- 65xx Opcodes
An in-depth description of all 65xx CPU opcodes.
- WarpCopy64
A high speed RR-Net based D64 transfer program.
- Games
Trapped, Trapped 2 etc.
- Duke Nukem 3D for Amiga
Based on the X86-port from icculus.org,
i (dante) have made a version for Amiga. This version works with AmigaOS 3.x and MorphOs, a version for AmigaOS 4 is afaik included with the prerelease cd. A MacOSX port is also available.
Personally i'm finished with this port. It's still version 0.3, because features like networking and midi music are not implemented. I've no time for and not enough knowledge of network and midi programming, but the source is available, and eventually someone else makes a 1.0 version...